Alert Health 24 Newsletter: August 2023

Welcome to August’s edition of our monthly newsletter. This month we have lots to report on including celebrations, company updates and information about exciting new training opportunities.

First and foremost, however, we take great pleasure in recognising and acknowledging July’s Employee of the Month who has displayed a positive attitude towards all her work and consistently exhibits exceptional caring qualities.

This month has been incredibly busy for the Alert Health 24 team but we're thrilled to have welcomed a new addition in this time, commemorated both a work anniversary and a wedding, raised a toast to our fourth birthday as an agency, and celebrated Makaton International Awareness Day.

Furthermore, we're proud to share that one of our team members is taking on a huge challenge this month, to raise money for the Alzheimer’s Society, a charity which is very close to her heart.

Meanwhile, we have some fantastic training opportunities in the pipeline. In the coming weeks, we will be sharing further information about our new online Safe Handling and Administration of Meds course.

Finally, we hope you enjoy reading this edition of the Alert Health 24 Newsletter and we wish you all the best for the month ahead.

Alert Health 24: August Newsletter